
RE: Alireza

in Accepted Mon Aug 05, 2013 4:12 pm
by Alireza | 418 Posts | 418 Points

Thanks miro. I'm happy too hear that. I'm waiting for an app-interview. No fear. ..

Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted.

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RE: Alireza

in Accepted Tue Aug 06, 2013 2:53 am
by Liu Lin | 86 Posts | 86 Points

Oh Alireza! I C you are doing good work for the clan!

Here are some of my special asian noodles to survive the long time @ the hot chair :)


........,,,can i sit on the hot gorilla then? :)


Good Luck with your app! :)


..............................................................................................손바닥으로 하늘을 가리려한다

Last edited Tue Aug 06, 2013 3:06 am | Scroll up
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RE: Alireza

in Accepted Tue Aug 06, 2013 4:05 am
by BrkDr4GoN | 107 Posts | 107 Points

OMG ALIREZA!! F1 FOR EVERYTHING such a good player its really nice of you to apply for this clan!! i will always be there when your interview is happening!!

i like fluffy things

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RE: Alireza

in Accepted Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:06 pm
by Lisi | 309 Posts | 309 Points

Heyho :DD

Today, I made my second interview. This time with Alireza :DD
And I'll post it in the right section :PP

First of all, welcome to the second crazy interview with Blondchen :DD I hope, that you will have a bit fun at least :DD
It was very hard to find good questions after you sat on the Hot Chair already. :DD
But I tried to find some.. So, let’s begin :DD

How did you come to play AC and how long do you play it already?

Like you, First of all I wanna thank you for making my interview. Feel free to ask any questions. Don't think about my Hot Chair.
When was I started to play AC? ... It was 3 years ago.
You know Sepehr (=MyS=Sepehr) is my best friend. We know each other for 7 years. Nearly 3 years ago (The time was GrZ and eR were alive) in the school he told me about AC, gave me the link and helped me to start playing AC.
After that we found out that I have the most stable connection between Iranian AC players.! Wow. My jitter was the same like by American and Europian players.

Oh, that sounds great :DD You have to be a lucky guy :DD
And have you been in other clans before ?

During this years? Yea... Legacy.eSports, Xu (eXile Unit), TaS (Taking a Stand), dyH (Destroy your Hope), and as Honorary Shad wanted to add me to 40+.

Wow, long career o.O :DD
And what’s the main reason why you like to join .45|?

You know, that was 1 year ago that i meet .45| in game. And then sadly as peace make between dyH. On that time miro was recently transformed Mr& Mis Rabbit to Skalli. From the first conversation we became friends (at least I think so) and i continued my friendship in .45|. I have been around frequently and become one of the old friends of the clan. But nearly few weeks ago, I had a discussion with miro (when I gave him the idea of the Hot Chair). Then we decided that I'll become part of the family. But I let him choose about Honory or Official. And with a great honor he chose offical. xD

Ooh.. I didn't know, that you're such an "old" friend of .45|. That's why miro is so happy that you want to join our family :DD
What do you say about the other members?

Yea.. about other members.. Let me first make it clear, that I add a "Great Friend" to everyone.
But about them personally:
- Todesgurke: Great player but it's hard to understand him.
- Gurkentod: LAZY and funny. I don't know him very much..xD
- BrK and B2K: I don't know them but B2K once wanted me to believe that he's my neighbour in Iran.
- Funcat: Again one of my old friends in AC. I met her in Shad-99 server while playing TOSOK. I think 1.5 - 2 years ago. She is a nice and great player. Born as a Leader. And I hope you girls can make .45| more active. Whole of them are couch potatoes.
- ALEA ALEA ALEA: Always must be forced to do something. Someone has to wake him up!!
- Hati: I don't know him much in person.
- Snowman: I remember him much before .45|. He has been a great player. He always beat me, but not like a BOSS.
- Para: Except miro my best friend here. Funny and also a programming fan like me. :) <3
- Separ: The 3rd player that i recognized from .45|! We had a long discussion about meaning of his name in person :)
- Jane: I can swear, I haven't heard her voice since 1 year ago when i've met .45|.
- Swellguy: I've always called him Swellgay. He earned it :D
- Robtics: Always one of the best.
- Liu Lin: Craziest member in whole AC!!
Oh, I forgot the most important:
- Blondchen: Great interviewer (and I hope, I can say friend). I haven't see you much in game, but I'm sure you're great! Nice attitude. :)

Should I talk about other honory members, too, or is this enough?

No, I think it's enough :DD You already have written a lot about the full members and it's great to hear such an accurate opinion. Maybe the guys will become more active then. :DD
Oh and thank you <33 I almost start to blush :DD
When you could improve something in .45|, what would it be?

Except their laziness (that is the lady's job, PLEASE don't become one of them), maybe their website and forum. And technical issues.

What do you mean by improving the website and forum? In which ways?

Depending what miro said to me, Xobor is confusing enough. So I think, we can have a Website and a simple forum and personalize it in better ways. I'm like para, a programmer. I don't have time now to write a simple website on my own but we can use other blog builders (CMSs) to have a great, small and simple website.

Oh, that sounds great and it will be better to understand for our guests :DD And yeah, it's really confusing sometimes...

Probably and trust me, compared to vBuletin, it's not confusing!! :D

I don't know their website :DD

But enough about AC.. now, questions about yourself :DD
When you sat in the Hot Chair, you said your school is different than the other schools. In what way is it different?

Our school named NODET (National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talents)
We don't follow iranian learning structures. In the first 5 years (from class 6 to 10-11 in your system) they try or almost tried to make us more knowledgeable than the students in our age and they did it. I know more than everyone in my age about everything! xD
In univercities, the NODET Students are obvious. They can be recognized by their knowledge or attitude!

That's a really good idea.. and you learn more about life, aren't you?
Is there only one shool in iran who does it like that ?

NODET is an organization. It has different sections around iran. And about such activities, yes, there is only one school who does it like that!

Oh.. maybe there will be more in the future.. :DD
Now, we go on: Have you got siblings?

Nope, I'm alone );
Only me and my father and mother.

And you don't have pets, too..:( Isn't it very boring at home?

Sometimes yes. But no. I'm busy enough at the moment. I mostly don't feel my loneliness. AND I HAVE MY PC AND LOTS OF UNWATCHED MOVIES AND GAMES. :D
And sure programming.

And what's your favorite film?

That's a hard question.
I grew up with the Harry Potter series and I love Lovely Bones (You must think more about it)
But they'll never fill the place of books.

Yep, that's right.. books are always better than films..
Oke, now my next question: what's your attitude towards life?

I'm not sure what you mean but I'm very optimistic about life. Sometimes too much! I believe whatever it holds for us is for the best. You don't think so?

No.. I'm not that optimistic :DD Sometimes I can be really pessimistic, too..

Me too. But mostly, I'm an optimist. :D

When you would have one free wish, what do you wish for?

To have Unlimited Wishes. (From when I was a kid, I was always wondering, WHY Aladdin have never wished to get unlimited wishes!!)

Oohh.. great answer :DD
What was the most embarrassing moment in your life?

5 years ago, a day on which something has gone wrong that I don't want to talk about!! xD Sorry, that was the worst day!

Okay, I understand that. :DD
To you, what should the right girl have?

Why are you always asking hard ones?! :(

Because I'm really mean :DD And the simple ones you already got on the Hot Chair :DD

Actually, I'm no expert in girls issues because I haven't been in touch with them. But I believe, there is no difference between what boys/girls must have: kindness, being honest and being serious in life. :)

Okay, now a very simple question. Only for you: Do you have any last words ? :DD

1st: Thank you because of this great interview.
2nd: Thank you to everyone, I'll be around. Always. So don't think, I'm not watching you.
4th: I love you all. It's good to have friends who live far away from you and you can talk with them and get to know their opinions.
At last but not least: Sorry about my less knowledge in English xD
I <3 ALL!

Now, it's my turn :DD
At the end, I really wanted to thank you for this wonderful interview and that you kept me such a long time :DD

Last edited Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:24 pm | Scroll up
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RE: Alireza

in Accepted Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:20 pm
by Gurkentod | 401 Posts | 401 Points

nice to have you in family, ALizera!!
sorry for my lazyness, but my rl doesn´t give me very much time atm. so my half inactivity isn´t only bacause of lazyness.
please forgive me, i´ll do my best :)
and be sure, you will know me better...soon....very soon....muhahahahaha ( i am your neighbour, so just ring on my door and we can talk ;)

Killing people is no solution, but it´s an option (but not in real life!!!)

Last edited Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:24 pm | Scroll up
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RE: Alireza

in Accepted Sat Aug 17, 2013 2:35 am
by para | 492 Posts | 492 Points

You're da man!

Great interview! :)
Love your attitude, bro! Keep on rockin'!


CMS is the right way. We should discuss which one to take soon. I've got some in mind...with favs. xD

Last edited Sat Aug 17, 2013 2:36 am | Scroll up
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RE: Alireza

in Accepted Sat Aug 17, 2013 1:59 pm
by Alireza | 418 Posts | 418 Points

Thank you everyone. It seems I made a headache for Lisi
I didn't know I can talk this much about tiny question! O_o

@Gurkentod : np dude. I'll know you soon enough. AND MY NAME IS ALIREZA. Who is that guy named ALizera? I don't know him. xD

@para : I'll keep on rockin!! And about CMS sure. I prefer to make it soon.

Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted.

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RE: Alireza

in Accepted Sat Aug 17, 2013 4:55 pm
by miro | 2.782 Posts | 2783 Points

Oh I guess that´s the right time for a little F1 For Full to sneak in this app xD

Last edited Sat Aug 17, 2013 4:56 pm | Scroll up
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RE: Alireza

in Accepted Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:19 pm
by Alireza | 418 Posts | 418 Points

Thanks miro :)

Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted.

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RE: Alireza

in Accepted Sat Aug 17, 2013 7:46 pm
by Gurkentod | 401 Posts | 401 Points

HEEEEEEEEEEEEEY, i said F1 first!!!!!!
i want a "thank you" too !!!!!!!!!!!!

Killing people is no solution, but it´s an option (but not in real life!!!)

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RE: Alireza

in Accepted Sat Aug 17, 2013 7:59 pm
by Alireza | 418 Posts | 418 Points

Don't worry Gurken. I already said "Thank you" to you and para both before!!

If you don't like it:

Thank you Gurkentod with a <3 and :-*

Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted.

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RE: Alireza

in Accepted Sat Aug 17, 2013 8:13 pm
by Gurkentod | 401 Posts | 401 Points

thats good^^

Killing people is no solution, but it´s an option (but not in real life!!!)

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RE: Alireza

in Accepted Sat Aug 17, 2013 8:18 pm
by Lisi | 309 Posts | 309 Points

Heyho :DD

Yeah, of course you get my F1 for Full, too :DD

And no, I didn't have headaches :DD It was a great interview yesterday :DD

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RE: Alireza

in Accepted Sat Aug 17, 2013 8:43 pm
by Alireza | 418 Posts | 418 Points

Thanks Blondchen!

Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted.

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RE: Alireza

in Accepted Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:26 pm
by Todesgurke | 1.295 Posts | 1294 Points

9:30pm O_O
Time to go to bed my children, but first Papa Gurke tells you a little good night story:

As you already know, Ali the adventurer found the mysterious F1 Sirup from Todesgurke.
He used it directly and felt in this wonderfull family called "Angry Souls".
But Ali the adventurer wouldn't be Ali the adventurer if he wouldn't try to find a more dangerous adventure then finding this Sirup...

So he was going on a new trip. I guess "going" is the wrong word here...
I fell in it!

The worst part in falling is that you also has to land somewhere...
...and Ali landed on a red, hot chair! D:

Gladly he survived, just his bacon in the back was a bit grilled afterwards :D

If this wasn't trouble enough he had to fight against various enemys!

Para the dinosaur, who hunted him through the jungle of our teamspeak server.
Blondchen, who wants to know everything and pressed the answers out of him in her fabolous interview.
He also had to survive the rabbit with the never ending words and mind.


He came into a little cave...
...deep inside it was a little treasure chest.

He opended it slowly and carefully...

Ali found the heart and angry soul of Todesgurke, which allows him to be a full member of the Angry Souls!

I like Separ's beer too
Last edited Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:06 pm | Scroll up
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