

in Denied/Withdrawn Sat Jul 26, 2014 2:23 pm
by quico • 232 Posts | 232 Points

Wellcome to the interview of rebellion :D
quico: wellcome to ur interview reb, can we start?
Rebellion: yes of course
S0uLk3R: I second that
quico: where are u from? and how old are u?
Rebellion: i'm come from italy and i have 20 years old
quico: that's cool
Rebellion: and my english is very bad
S0uLk3R: Dont worry
quico: np
Baruch: lol we've seen worse...
Rebellion: LOL
quico: what's your real name?
Rebellion: my name is Marco
Baruch: (talkin about someone in the channel LOL)
S0uLk3R: hes talking about me ^^
quico: hum good name :P

Rebellion: it's quite famouse in it
quico: do u have brothers or sisters??
quico: yeah

Rebellion: yes i have 1 bro
quico: are u the marco of the serie? xD
Rebellion: which serie?
Baruch: yeah which?
S0uLk3R: marco balotelli?
Rebellion: i hate him
Z!ll!uM: WHY? xD

quico: that marco
quico: the serie marco LOL

Rebellion: i never see that anime/cartoon
quico: jajajajaja okey, just a joke :P
quico: so u have one brother, no??

Rebellion: yes
quico: that's good
Baruch: haha
quico: do u have a girlfriend?

Rebellion: he has 24 years
Rebellion: i dont have a gf
S0uLk3R: So you are single ;)
quico: xD

Rebellion: *SAD*
Rebellion: yes
quico: baruch is trying to find a gf so ask him if you want :P
quico: jajajajaja

Rebellion: XD
S0uLk3R: ^^
Baruch: YES PLS
Baruch: BOOBS
quico: how would you describe yourself?

Rebellion: i'm a sexy guy LOL
Rebellion: XD
Z!ll!uM: xD
quico: jajajajajaja good answer
quico: he is not shy xD

Rebellion: sometimes
Baruch: hey ali :)
quico: you dont seems shy xD
Alireza: Hi Everyone

Rebellion: because i'm accustomed
quico: jajajajajaj
Rebellion: talk to other persons for me is a joke
quico: XDDDDDD why?
Rebellion: because you have to be spontaneous
S0uLk3R: I like that, open to strangers :)
quico: yep

Rebellion: and have a hint of seriousness
quico: good attitude
quico: :P

S0uLk3R: You know when to be mature and when to have fun :)
quico: yep
S0uLk3R: F1 :D
quico: he is intelligent and not shy
quico: jajjajajaja

Rebellion: thanks
Baruch: im intelligent and sexy too D: D:
quico: okey, what are you going to do in life?

Rebellion: lol
quico: baruch you have my F1 XD
Rebellion: i'm a student
quico: what are you studying?
Rebellion: university
quico: ....
Z!ll!uM: what city you live in italy Rebellion?

Rebellion: i will become an engineer
Rebellion: i'm live in milan
quico: an engineer of what?
Rebellion: civil
quico: Okey jajajajjaja
quico: what's your favourite animal ( my favourite question) ?
Baruch: oh ! gurkentod studies to be a civil engineer too :o
Rebellion: i have 1 cat in my home but i love also dogs
quico: okey :P
S0uLk3R: whats is your favorite type of dog?
Baruch: yo mama
quico: wtf
quico: mama?

Rebellion: German Shepherd

Baruch: xD
Z!ll!uM: xD
Alireza: :)
S0uLk3R: ^^ good , we are german, so you will find todesgurke and miro very lovely
quico: i wont ask what is that baruch

Rebellion: i dont know if i wrote correct
Baruch: they aren't.
quico: how long have you been playing AC? what's your fav mode?

Rebellion: i've been playing AC for 2-3 years
quico: wow
Z!ll!uM: nice =)

Rebellion: my fav mode are CTF,HTF and also TOSOK
Rebellion: i started when i got linux on my laptop
Z!ll!uM: you already went through some clan?
quico: good :D we have members that play all of that modes xD

Rebellion: this is my first time that i join in a clan
S0uLk3R: :D first timer
quico: a okey :D
quico: do u play another games?

Rebellion: i like mmorpg games
Rebellion: and there are a lots that i played
Z!ll!uM: I ALSO =)
Rebellion: both official and private server
quico: u have here a friend for play with
Rebellion: XD
Z!ll!uM: xD
quico: other important question xD, what's your favourite soccer team?

Rebellion: in this time i'm searching some good mmo to play but i never find nothing
Rebellion: i like juventus
quico: jajajajja
Rebellion: lol
Baruch: F2
quico: morata went to that team

Rebellion: xD
quico: and u have Pirlo :P
Rebellion: a good player
quico: that's cool jajajajaja
quico: yeah, did you go to watch that team?

Rebellion: you must think that Pirlo played on Milan
Rebellion: i prefer to watch on my tv XD
quico: jaajjajjaja xD
quico: mate, why do u want to join .45?

Rebellion: because I like to have a more complete game mode
Rebellion: and also to have fun in the company
quico: jajajajjaja okey, that's nice :P
quico: now the question of Lisi (she loves it), is your lamp dirty?
S0uLk3R: careful with your answer :D
quico: xD
Rebellion: what does it mean "lamp"?
S0uLk3R: thats for you to decide :D
quico: ajjajajaja xD
Z!ll!uM: you like more pizza or macaroni?

Rebellion: both
Rebellion: and my lamp is not dirty XD
quico: xD
Z!ll!uM: xD
Baruch: lol so mainstream
quico: mateeeeee, what are your favourite hobbies?

Rebellion: i dont have a particular hobby
Z!ll!uM: lol
quico: do u play football, some sport?
quico: xD

Rebellion: i played soccer some months ago
Z!ll!uM: Huum
quico: interesting, but with your friends or in a team?

Rebellion: with my friends
quico: as me :P
Rebellion: i dont like very much to play in a team
quico: me too :P
Rebellion: i think that everything sports should be practiced for fun
quico: i prefer to have fun with friends :D
quico: good answer :P
quico: Do you like rather reading or watching movies?

Rebellion: watching movies
Alireza: Do you like reading at all?
quico: what's your favourite movie?

Rebellion: sometime i prefer read some book
quico: LOL xD
Rebellion: i love the dark knight trilogy
Rebellion: the 2 chapter in particular
quico: what's it about?
Rebellion: the story of batman
quico: a cool :D
Alireza: Whats your favorit kind of books? Storys? Scientific ones?

Rebellion: in that second movie there is Joker
Rebellion: i like fantasy
quico: so do u like marvel?
quico: and all of his movies?

Rebellion: yes also DC comics is good
quico: a :D really awesome
Alireza: Whats your favorite hero? Batman?

Rebellion: i think that i dont see all Marvel's movie
quico: :(
Baruch: oh did you see Watchmen ?

Rebellion: after seen that trilogy batman is my fav hero
quico: watchmen?
Rebellion: watchman?no XD but i want to see
Baruch: yeah its awesome movie :o
quico: lol :P

Rebellion: i'm reading this
quico: so u like to read comics
Rebellion: i'm at 21st volume
Rebellion: yes but that thing is born some days ago
quico: okey :P
quico: other question, do u believe in something like a religion or god?

Rebellion: this thing would be strictly personal XD But yeah I believe
quico: xD ajajajjaja okey
Rebellion: :D
quico: :P we are a family we dont have personal things :P
quico: jajajajajaj :P

Rebellion: LOL
Alireza: Ofc we don't.
quico: mate, other question, which is your favourite colour (i think its not personal xD)?
Rebellion: xD
quico: my fav colour is orange :D
Rebellion: red
Alireza: You're my man!!
quico: red. the cousin of orange
quico: jajajajajja

Rebellion: XD
quico: well, and the last question for me: if you would go to a lonely island and you are allowed to take only 1 thing with you, what would that be?
Rebellion: Linkin Park Discography XD

quico: LOL ajajjajajajajjajajaja
quico: good answer :P
Alireza: <3
quico: does someone has more questions?

Rebellion: because i'm a big fan of them
Alireza: Did you ask the sheep one?
quico: i thought that xD
Rebellion: no i didnt
Alireza: quico did you asked about schef's fav?
quico: nop
Alireza: So..
Baruch: why did you choose the name Rebellion ?

Rebellion: because this is a song of the last LP's album

quico: what do you prefer sheeps or chickens?
quico: xD

Rebellion: chickens
quico: djmlisdniklidlijysdaaosdaskddkad shaf will kill u
quico: xD
Alireza: Only with that
Alireza: you'll be disqualified
Alireza: CHiCKENS???? That's a shame..
quico: jajajajajaja

Rebellion: lol
Rebellion: also the question i think it's a shame
Alireza: This is your last chance. What do you think about sheeps?
Rebellion: if I was a farmer i take care them of my best
quico: xD
Rebellion: that i think the best answer ever
Alireza: yea
Alireza: now you are safe

Rebellion: lol
Rebellion: thanks XD
quico: schaf wont kill u xD
Alireza: So my last one. What did you do during past 3 years? only pubs?
Rebellion: I studied a bit xD and i went to london
quico: i think that ali mean in AC
Alireza: OK. But i meant your AC Career
quico: jajajajaja, but his answer is good too xD

Rebellion: nothing in particular, I was playing for fun to AC discriminating against gema server
quico: LOL
Rebellion: before
Alireza: ROFL
quico: Baruch will kill u
Alireza: You're a dead man mate...

Rebellion: i know
quico: yep xD
Alireza: We must prepare a funeral!
quico: xD
Alireza: :)

Rebellion: the important thing is trying
Rebellion: he said me that i a dead man but to do that interview i tried to take the best of me xD
quico: yeah, good answer too xD
quico: So, I think, we came to an end :D I hope you had fun during the interview, hadn't you? :D
Alireza: That's all we asked

Rebellion: it was fun
quico: okey, cool mate :P
Alireza: Glad to know that!

Thanks for the help of Alireza, Baruch, S0uLk3R and Z!ll!uM, well and the help of reb for answer our questions xDDD

Last edited Sat Jul 26, 2014 2:24 pm | Scroll up
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RE: Rebellion

in Denied/Withdrawn Sat Jul 26, 2014 8:30 pm
by .Z!ll!uM~ | 284 Posts | 284 Points

I found your interview very cool, like a lot of fun hope to be friends =)

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RE: Rebellion

in Denied/Withdrawn Sat Jul 26, 2014 9:47 pm
by S0uLk3R | 404 Posts | 404 Points

F1 for trial

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RE: Rebellion

in Denied/Withdrawn Sat Jul 26, 2014 10:07 pm
by Baruch | 647 Posts | 647 Points

F1 !!!!

Haha I'm so funny.

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RE: Rebellion

in Denied/Withdrawn Sun Jul 27, 2014 7:38 am
by Alireza | 418 Posts | 418 Points

F1 Rebellion. Don't stop trying! :)

Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted.

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RE: Rebellion

in Denied/Withdrawn Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:44 am
by Lisi | 309 Posts | 309 Points

Nice and looong interview :D

F1 for Trial! :DD

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RE: Rebellion

in Denied/Withdrawn Sun Jul 27, 2014 10:16 am
by miro | 2.782 Posts | 2783 Points

Haha, nice interview ;D

F1 For Trial ;)

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RE: Rebellion

in Denied/Withdrawn Sun Jul 27, 2014 10:28 am
by vector (deleted)

Stunning interview... Nice to see more than normal involved in the interview..

Very humorous and very effective answers....

F1 for Trial.

So the road is not so bad after all... an italian, two from luxenberg, and of course our brazilian friends.
a great week for .45.

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RE: Rebellion

in Denied/Withdrawn Sun Jul 27, 2014 1:49 pm
by Chill | 298 Posts | 298 Points

F1 for trial ;)

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RE: Rebellion

in Denied/Withdrawn Mon Jul 28, 2014 2:33 pm
by Rebellion • 11 Posts | 11 Points

thanks to all :D

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RE: Rebellion

in Denied/Withdrawn Tue Jul 29, 2014 5:08 am
by Clint | 82 Posts | 82 Points

Funny interview ^^ F1 for trial ^-^

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RE: Rebellion

in Denied/Withdrawn Wed Jul 30, 2014 3:57 pm
by S0uLk3R | 404 Posts | 404 Points

Hey Rebellion! You made it into the .45| trial period! You are now allowed to wear the tag. But have fun with us most importantly and come on down to ts so we get to hang together :)

Last edited Wed Jul 30, 2014 3:58 pm | Scroll up
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RE: Rebellion

in Denied/Withdrawn Thu Jul 31, 2014 8:03 pm
by Rebellion • 11 Posts | 11 Points

thanks a lot :D see you in game

EDIT : i put tag in my nick and i cannot enter on .45 servers XD (inappropriate nickname)

Last edited Fri Aug 01, 2014 1:02 pm | Scroll up
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RE: Rebellion

in Denied/Withdrawn Fri Aug 22, 2014 9:22 pm
by S0uLk3R | 404 Posts | 404 Points

Can we start voting for Rebellion , his trial is almost up.

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RE: Rebellion

in Denied/Withdrawn Fri Aug 22, 2014 9:43 pm
by Chill | 298 Posts | 298 Points

He is really inactive, shall we even vote?

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