

in Denied/Withdrawn Sat Jul 19, 2014 7:32 pm
by Revolution • 15 Posts | 15 Points

Hello, I would like to know how do I get into the clan, and also what are the modes that the clan plays because mine are: CTF and GEMA

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RE: Recruitment

in Denied/Withdrawn Sat Jul 19, 2014 8:02 pm
by Baruch | 647 Posts | 647 Points

Hey !

Just hang around with us on teamspeak, get to know us and make the members know you :) If you want to join, we can make an interview. After the interview is done, people are voting to get you into trial.

We have a competitive team, who plays mostly CTF, and a fun team who plays what they want xD. I play gema, but some only play on public servers, and some don't even play AC ^^.

You can see the member list here : Member List

Just come on teamspeak if you need to speak more directly :D

PS : Oh sorry I thought you were Rebellion xD. We use teamspeak 3, you can download it (it's free).
Our teamspeak server is : 45-clan.de
Ask us if you can't connect ;)

Haha I'm so funny.

Last edited Sat Jul 19, 2014 8:06 pm | Scroll up
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RE: Recruitment

in Denied/Withdrawn Sat Jul 19, 2014 8:05 pm
by vector (deleted)

Hi Revolution,
Be patient someone will answer you more fully, but here goes
.45 has CTF, tosok,osok, gema and custom map servers.
also we have match servers we use for training or if you want to go 1v1 with anyone.
Apart from this forum we also run a busy Ts3 server (team speak). Lots of players from uk, spain, germany, france, brazil, italy and more. 99% speak English but for those that don't we do have channels in our TS3 so if they wish they can speak their native language. So as you see we are an international clan that enters competitions.
That does not mean that you would have to. But there again if you wanted to we offer training sessions with our best players to make a team.
BTW where are you from. Myself.... Wales Uk

I hope I have said it all but there others in here that will give you a more in depth answer.
As for teamspeak. I know 1st time it can be worrying, but dont worry as soon as you settle in you will enjoy too.
You will need to download TS3 http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=teamspeak3

45-clan.de is the connection.
Once in our channel you will be greated by the usual hello etc.

cya later

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RE: Recruitment

in Denied/Withdrawn Sat Jul 19, 2014 8:29 pm
by Revolution • 15 Posts | 15 Points

Baruch, Thank you, I already have TeamSpeak downloaded here and going into the TS of you, thank you, I'll do as much as I can, here's all the modes that I play: GEMA, CTF, TOSOK, OSOK, LSS, DM, TDM! =D

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RE: Recruitment

in Denied/Withdrawn Sat Jul 19, 2014 8:35 pm
by Baruch | 647 Posts | 647 Points

Ok ! Come on ts whenever you want !

Haha I'm so funny.

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RE: Recruitment

in Denied/Withdrawn Sat Jul 19, 2014 8:39 pm
by Revolution • 15 Posts | 15 Points

Vector, Well, the reason of wanting to be part of the clan, is that I found him one, not full members only, Fuller by legal persons, Servers, TS, Super full clan And one way I could have fun while playing, therefore I I really want to be part of the clan, I am Brazilian I can speak a little more English, I have some mistakes I'll try to improve, I mean I'm already improving it, My name is Antonio Carlos, I'm 16 years old and has been in several clans looking for to complete myself among them: ArMs, US, |FaD|, among others ..

Last edited Sat Jul 19, 2014 8:42 pm | Scroll up
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RE: Recruitment

in Denied/Withdrawn Sat Jul 19, 2014 8:50 pm
by vector (deleted)

Ahhh so know zillium... He has just joined us and to be honest we are really happy with him as he has been using us to learn english and he is doing quite well.
Also don't forget some of us are European, so we tend to be on here at euro night time.
So don't be disappointed if you don't catch us all in there.
Hope to see you in AC and TS3

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RE: Recruitment

in Denied/Withdrawn Sat Jul 19, 2014 9:04 pm
by Revolution • 15 Posts | 15 Points

The Z!ll!uM, is a good friend of mine in the game, he is super cool, and I think all of you are also clan, and I'm already there in TeamSpeak .. = D

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RE: Recruitment

in Denied/Withdrawn Sat Jul 19, 2014 9:38 pm
by S0uLk3R | 404 Posts | 404 Points

Welcome Revolution!

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RE: Recruitment

in Denied/Withdrawn Sun Jul 20, 2014 12:37 am
by vector (deleted)

thanks for coming to teamspeak.. revolution.. ( Rev)
we are impressed that you came.
Please dont worry if your english is small.. it is not a big issue as we all learn together.

so as far as i am concerned i am going to give F1 for a trial
i like u

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RE: Recruitment

in Denied/Withdrawn Sun Jul 20, 2014 1:45 am
by Revolution • 15 Posts | 15 Points

Ooops, thanks .. xD

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RE: Recruitment

in Denied/Withdrawn Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:53 am
by Zangetsu | 70 Posts | 70 Points

Welcome revolution :) I hope u have fun :D By the way whenever i am on teamspeak i am opened for inter ;)

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RE: Recruitment

in Denied/Withdrawn Sun Jul 20, 2014 4:14 am
by Revolution • 15 Posts | 15 Points

haha, Thank you.. xD

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RE: Recruitment

in Denied/Withdrawn Sun Jul 20, 2014 4:48 am
by miro | 2.782 Posts | 2783 Points

Hey Welcome ;D

Meet you in ts ;D

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RE: Recruitment

in Denied/Withdrawn Sun Jul 20, 2014 8:06 am
by Alireza | 418 Posts | 418 Points

Welcome :D

Hope to see you in TS! :)

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