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Heyho guys :DD
Miro and I interviewed Eliza yesterday :D It was really fun and even if it's a bit long, it's worth reading it :D (I know, the most of you are a bit lazy :P)
Lisi: Heyho Eliza :DD Welcome to the next weird and crazy interview :D I hope, you're ready? :D
Eliza: Definitely :)
Lisi: Perfect :D So at the beginning tell me something about yourself, please. How old are you? What's your real name? What hobbies do you have? :D
Eliza: Ah, as for my age I'm in my 20's (I like a bit of vagueness). My real name is Elizabeth, and I like things such as chess and cats. Oh, I like different board games, such as chess and Monopoly. I'm also a bit of a book nerd, reading 2 or 3 a week.
Miro: How did you come to AC?
Eliza: Well, I originally was recommended AC on another small game called Star Sonata, a sort of space MMO.
Miro: That’s crazy. What has it in common with AC?
Eliza: It's a really small game, but has nothing in common with AC.
Miro: How got u recommended then? oO
Eliza: On their official forums :P There was a thread about free FPS's and someone posted a link.
Miro: Are you still playing it?
Eliza: Hm, I haven't in about half a year or so.
Miro: Oh, so you’re really long in AC, now?
Eliza: Only about a year or so. So I haven't been around for all the drama and stuff :P
Lisi: Were you in other clans before? :D
Miro: Do you mean the version change?
Eliza: I can imagine version change=drama. So probably, yeah. And nah, never been in any other clans.
Lisi: And why do you want to join .45 now? :D
Eliza: I've been playing on .45's servers for a while, noticed that there were some nice people. In particular on the gema server there were some nice people.
Miro: Nice to hear xD
Lisi: So, we come to my next question: what's so nice about gema? I really suck at it.. :D
Eliza: So do I, more often than not :P But I like the challenge of it, it's something refreshing when compared to normal modes.
Miro: Atm our gema pro Baruch is missing for 1 or 2 weeks, he does a lot for gema.
Eliza: Oh nice, I don't know how to do any of that kinda thing, but it’s impressive :P
Miro: He is doing the greatest jumps even with pistol xD
Eliza: Dang, I have trouble sometimes even with the assault rifle.
Miro: What’s your favorite book?
Eliza: Hm, that’s a tough one. I would have to say, Tolkins The Lord of The Rings series.
Lisi: Did you read Harry Potter, too?
Eliza: Yup, when I was younger.
Miro: So what’s about other stuff? What’s your favorite food and what’s about music? ;)
Eliza: My favorite food is easily pizza. Yeah, it's unhealthy and I don't eat it often, but I have an undying love affair with it. As for music, I don't have any real favorites, but I do like Jazz.
Miro: Me, tooo – win for the pizza. Oh I like Jazz, too. You get more and more sympathetic to me xD
Lisi: So, something about your age.. Someone (I won’t say a name, but he's here in the channel) told me that you're 14 :D
Eliza: Oh god, I saw that a few days ago, I think. Or someone asked me in the AC servers. No idea where that started, but trust me, I'm in my 20's :P
Miro: If you had to write a novel about sloths, what would you write?
Eliza: I would write a book that is sorta a pseudo diary thing, sorta about an intelligent sloth. Most of the book would be filled with boring stuff like "Today I slept for 18 hours on a comfy as all hell branch"
Miro: Sounds good to me ;)
Lisi: That could be Alea, too :D
Miro: Especially if I imagine it with your style... xD I like the CTF thing: to add a little spice and variety xD
Eliza: Well, it does. I mean shooting all the time can get a wee bit repetitive. Gema modes change things up :)
Miro: Yep, do you like LSS, too?
Eliza: Kinda, even though I'm terrible at it. What I really wish is that the devs would put in a pure knife only mode, cause I would be good at that.
Miro: Oh, when Baruch is back we can code that for you xD
Eliza: Awesome
Lisi: So Eliza, is your lamp dirty? :D
Eliza: Is that some sort of accidental innuendo or pervy joke :P
Miro: Eliza, if you had a device to stop the flow of time, what would you do with it?
Eliza: If I had a device like that, I would become some sort of superhero and go about stopping crimes with it.
Miro: Oh, cool ;D What’s important for you in life and what’s the sense of life?
Eliza: For me, what's important in life is what is achieved in it. I suppose you could say, what we accomplish and so on, what we do for humanity in general.
Miro: So you think humanity will live forever?
Eliza: Not exactly, barring some sort of technological breakthrough or something.
Miro: But, I mean if you want to do something for the future... it means do you believe in a greater aim/goal?
Eliza: I suppose a greater goal would be the success of the species on earth and off of it. This is all getting into the theoretical and philosophical :P
Lisi: Do you believe in god?
Eliza: Hm, I have a vague belief that something created the universe (through the big bang), but I believe it left the universe alone following that. So, no miracles or divine interventions or stuff like that.
Lisi: When you would have to go to a lonely island tomorrow and you're allowed to carry only one thing with you, what would it be?
Eliza: It would be a signaling mirror. I could use it to signal to any passing ships for help or use it to start fires.
Miro: What feeling describes you the best?
Eliza: I'm not sure there's a word for it. I suppose you could call it cheerful pragmatism. In that I'm a realist, but I don't let it get me down.
Miro: Eliza, if you could create a new animal species, how would it look like?
Eliza: Oh gosh, that's a tough question.I would make something that looks like an intelligent, feathery dinosaur. Don't ask why, it just sounds cool.
Miro: Haha, like a chicken?
Eliza: Brilliant :)
Miro: What kind of personality would it have?
Eliza: It would be a sort of brash, explosive personality. Very excitable and such. I imagine this personality would make our chicken-dinosaur perfect for riding into a battle.
Miro: Imagine someone would knock on your door and you open it and it would be a wookie just making wookie sounds, what would you do?
Eliza: I would politely ask it in, offer it coffee, then ask what it was doing so far from Kaysheak (or whatever the name of its homeplant was)
Miro: What do you think about tea?
Eliza: Oh boy. Here we go. I like Iced Tea (not sure if you guys know of it) because of Florida weather, but don't really like it otherwise.
Lisi: Do you like sushi? :D
Eliza: Hrm. I tried it only twice before, but I found it to be sorta lackluster. I mean, I didn't mind the taste, but I didn't really find anything special with it either. Then again, I've never tried sushi from a fancy Japanese place, so I might be missing out.
Miro: oO (climbs up a tree, cries xD)
Lisi: He cries because he really loves sushi like most of the people in this clan :D
Miro: Sex, drugs and rock n roll? ;)
Eliza: Is that a question, or a pop culture reference :P
Miro: Let’s say a question xD
Eliza: I don't mind the first, depends on what you define as a drug for the second, and like the third.
Miro: What would you define as the 2nd?
Eliza: That's a difficult question. I would call a hard drug things such a cocaine or opium, things that should be banned. A soft drug would be things like tobacco, alcohol, or cannabis.
Miro: But wait... what does it mean: you don’t mind the first? xDDD (you don’t have to answer, I think it’s a private question)
Eliza: It means what it mean :P no more shall be said on the subject.
Miro: Ahhh cannabis. So do you smoke? xD
Eliza: I've tried it before, only made me feel sleepy. So nah, I don't smoke.
Miro: Okay, yeah, a lot people here like it, I guess xD
Eliza: No problems if they do :P
Miro: If you could change one thing about you, what would that be?
Eliza: I would change some dumb things I did as a teenager. Secret things, so you will be forever curious :P
Miro: Imagine we would be on air for 1 minute now in a very famous radio station and you could scream 1 sentence to the people out there: what sentence would that be?
Eliza: "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!" chances are you guys won't get that, but if you do, kudos :P
It's a reference to a popular tabletop game, nothing major :P
Miro: What do you think about the present state of the world and about capitalism?
Eliza: Currently, I think the world is in the middle of a major political shift. As for capitalism, I think it, along with democracy is the best option out of all the ones currently available.
Lisi: What do you think of Obama care?
Eliza: I'm not impressed. State health care could have been implemented in a far better fashion.
Lisi: How would you do it?
Eliza: In general, I wouldn't try to do so. I would have kept the basic medicade in place or expanded them and let private companies compete in providing health insurance.
Miro: So you think there will be a way of melting politics and companies?
Eliza: No, not exactly. I think there should be a basic safety net of government coverage, but superior options offered by private health insurance companies.
Miro: What makes us human? Do you think humans are equal?
Eliza: That's simple, I think a mixture of self awareness, advanced speech, and toolmaking make us human. I believe all humans should have some basic, inviolable rights and such.
Miro: Do you think that there ever could be a world where all humans can be happy?
Eliza: Probably not.
Miro: Why not? xD
Eliza: Well, personal standard of happiness and such vary. One person will like a current government, another won't. Someone will like what is happening in their country, someone won't.
Miro: Now something very easy, I don’t know much about Florida!!! I mean the name is very popular but... ye... what would you tell about it and your connection to Florida? ;)
Lisi: Do you have snow? :D
Eliza: Very rarely. Like once in 50 years. Well, I was born in New York, but my mom moved down here when I was a teenager and took me with her.
Miro: Do you like it?
Eliza: I hate the heat, but other than that it’s a nice place to live :) Aside from the giant freaking spiders D:
Miro: Ye, that pic u showed us!!!!
Lisi: Omg, spiders o.O
Miro: Can you give us a link again please, for our readers? xD
Eliza: It's harmless though.
Miro: Would you let it on your hand? How did your relation to spiders change by that situation?
Eliza: Well, I wouldn't hold one if I could help it :P But I became less scared of them.
Miro: Did you ever think about one of them: aww, how cute?
Eliza: also, here, have a picture of a nicer, cuter Florida animal we have
Eliza: Well, jumping spiders can be pretty cute. Yeah, they are tiny fuzzy little things that hop everywhere.
Lisi: What was the best moment in your life so far? :D
Eliza: Getting accepted to university.
Lisi: What do you study?
Eliza: I will study microbiology.
Lisi: Are you the romantic type? :D
Eliza: Hm, not very o.0
Miro: What does that mean? xD Actually, I think everyone has its own sense of romantic.
Eliza: Well, I like nice dates and roses and such, but too much just becomes a bit overblown and silly.
Miro: That sounds like you have a lot of dates xD
Eliza: To be honest, not too many. I'm pretty introverted and nerdy, plus studies and such take up a ton of time.
Miro: Ok, I would say... the last question (before we close this really interesting interview) goes to Eliza... ask us something ;)
And you don’t seem to be so introverted - actually it’s really nice to meet you xD)
Eliza: Okay, have you ever been so far much that you did that this? (don't ask the meaning, just answer with whatever you think would be the answer :P)
Miro: This is unique <3
Eliza: Actually, it’s based on a forum post I saw years ago and everyone went nuts trying to understand what it meant :P
Okay, for Lisi, what's your favorite animal?
Lisi: I think my favorite animal is the cat.. I don’t know why. They look cute outside, but they can be really mean, too :D So they are a bit like me :P
Eliza: Awesome, I like you so much for liking cats.
Miro: Same here ;)
Lisi: I think, we came to an end, now. Thank you for the really nice and funny interview.
Eliza: Thank you, too. It made a lot of fun.
Since Eliza made it already into trial without a interview (due to different reasons :P), you have to vote for her full membership, now :DD
So, Eliza, of course you get my F1 for Full !! :DD

y u do this todes?!
just dont ask ...

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