Hello everyone.
I thought that having hot chair in AC community would be GREAT idea.
What is Hot Chair?
Each week one person (member or not) will be selected and everyone has the right to ask ONLY 5 questions and the interviewee must answer to all questions. We are doing this just to know each other better. This is a friendly place so be warned...
1. Make sure to ask your questions in only one post. That would be much easier for interviewee to answer all questions.
2. Make sure not to ask the same questions again.
3. DO NOT ask questions that you think the interviewee would not like to answer or it will inter his privacy.
4. Person who ask questions from the others will be considered as volunteer.
5. Interviewee MUST answer the question. No excuse will be accepted.
6. Do not post anything else as long as chair is still burning. Spams or everything else. Discussion is allowed from Thursdays. After the questioning time is end.
7. Disobedience to the rules will cuz some problems. (I haven't decided what but it will)
Everyone who accept the rules and want to be part of it just announce in the volunteer thread.