in Denied/Withdrawn
Wed Aug 06, 2014 10:49 pm
• 232 Posts | 232 Points
Wellcome to the interview of Hermes :D
quico: okey, are u ready Hermes? vector: Ok are you happy to be interviewed by us.. Hermes: yes ;) vector: How long have you been playing AC? Hermes: 4-5 years ^^ vector: there is not rush hermes vector: wow long time quico: good :P vector: you used other names besides Hermes? Hermes: yes SkkyV and P.3 quico: what's ur favourite mode? Hermes: Tosok/osok and CTF hmm i think i like all modes xD quico: jajajaja, i like it too :P vector: hermes are you using google tranlator, is not problem if you are Hermes: just sometimes vector: fine ,,,If you have to be a cartoon Character … what would it be and why? ---------------------------------------(Bender enters in the interview)------------------------------------------- Hermes: Patrick Star xD vector: nice one vector: So you live in Luxemberg.. so do you pay tax or stash it away.. Hermes: i m too young xD, i'm 17 vector: ok, lest pretend you old enough vector: are you willing to open a bank account for .45 so that none of us pay tax ...we like money !!! Hermes: haha if i win on Euro Million xD vector: nice can go live near quico vector: Your living in Luxemberg so what is your day to day language. German. French, Flemish. Hermes: german , french and luxemburgish ^^ vector: ahh so your very at home in .45 vector: ok another question, I have heard that people in Lichenstien are better looking than Luxemberg people whats your opinion ? Hermes: Lichenstien are better looking ? NEVER NEVER NEEEEVEEERRR !! vector: well done --------------------------------------(Baruch enters in the interview)--------------------------------------------
vector: do you think Miro is a Sloth, chicken or sheep (psst miro will not mind if you say camel ) haha?? Hermes: Chicken Wings ! vector: hahahaha, he will love you I am sure.. vector: serious question: If you become a member of the clan and you are given admin privileges would you kick people: 1.- Because of their ping 2.- Because of spamming 3.- Constant bullying new players. 4.- Or would you warn them first that you will take action. --------------------------------------(Alireza enters in the interview)--------------------------------------------
Hermes: 1 (direct kick if the ping is 20.000) ,2,3 and 4 vector: thats a good answer, ok another serious you change your boxers everyday? Baruch: do you play gema, hermes ? :o Hermes: if the temperature are 30+ i change all day and normaly i change all two days... and is this question serious ? xD vector: not really but thought I would tell lisi you do change lol Baruch: very serious lol Hermes: not much Baruch ^^ i like better action Baruch: ah ok :D Alea: what kind of music do you like ? =) Hermes: Hip-Hop and Rap ;) Alireza: What about Movies? Hermes: Lord of the rings , 21 and 22 jump street , Pacific Rime.... i love all cool comedy, action, adventures movies ;) vector: same here, 300 is my fav film Alireza: Same here too. but not English comedys... they make no sence to me... hahahaha vector: quico just watches disney Alireza: xD vector: right lets get the last questions in: if you were to be sent to an island what would you take with you and why? Hermes: disney fims are not bad ;) vector: well yes but quico thinks he IS donald duck Hermes: hahaa xD vector: so what would you take to an island with you? Alireza: Todes takes a box of beers i think.. xD vector: is ok hermes we understand your english is not that good yet Hermes: A small current machine who function whit water ,my laptop , a handy, a cook , bear Grylls and two hot girls xD vector: haha Alea: nice xD vector: nice one I am sure todes will hug you vector: ok last question Alea: nah he will just take the girls xD Hermes: xD Alea: and the alcohol ^^ vector: is your lamp dirty or shiney? quico: the question of Lisi xD Hermes: i dont know.. is black vector: mine toom, so are we all happy with hermes, I am thinking I like lots Hermes: vector: hermes your a nice person we like you... so welcome quico: So, I think, we came to an end :D I hope you had fun during the interview, hadn't you? :D vector: I will give u my support.. always in 45 Hermes: my answer is in the video link ;) Alea: nice song btw ;) :D quico: jajaja, nice song :P vector: any questions you have ask in forum and ts3... remember there are german and french speakers here, so if you get stuck theres always someone to help Alireza: And also Persian ones
Thanks for the help of all the .45 :P and good luck with ur apply Hermes :P