
45 Blacklist by .45|Alea

in Post all the fake wool here! (Screens, Demos, Suspicions) Wed Mar 19, 2014 1:30 pm
by miro | 2.782 Posts | 2783 Points

Feel free to discuss any problems related to Cheating, Hackin or any other Abusive Behavior with .45|Alea.

Screens, Demos and any other additional informations might be useful.

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RE: 45 Blacklist by .45|Alea

in Post all the fake wool here! (Screens, Demos, Suspicions) Wed Mar 19, 2014 3:22 pm
by Baruch | 647 Posts | 647 Points

If you have any doubt :

- /whois cn to get the player's ip. If you're not admin you won't get the full ip but take it anyway, at least a range ban is possible. Use screenshot for example.

- Take demo : it's absolutely necessary for a blacklist report on official forum

- Note the server with the date and time, this way the server owner can check the server logs

You can get ip from demo in 1.2 version, date and time are in screenshots and demos name.

*Edited by Todesgurke

Haha I'm so funny.

Last edited Wed Mar 19, 2014 3:43 pm | Scroll up


RE: 45 Blacklist by .45|Alea

in Post all the fake wool here! (Screens, Demos, Suspicions) Wed Mar 19, 2014 3:49 pm
by Robtics | 522 Posts | 522 Points

many of you probably will dislike this but: In case of doubt: ask JAMZ! he is the one with the most knowledge about players identities/their ip ranges etc. and he WILL give a reliable answer in most cases!

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RE: 45 Blacklist by .45|Alea

in Post all the fake wool here! (Screens, Demos, Suspicions) Wed Mar 19, 2014 4:38 pm
by miro | 2.782 Posts | 2783 Points

Nah nah it´s fine. But i think we can overlook it before sending to jamz... we don´t want him to drown in work, right? ;)

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RE: 45 Blacklist by .45|Alea

in Post all the fake wool here! (Screens, Demos, Suspicions) Sun Apr 20, 2014 12:16 am
by edward • 17 Posts | 17 Points

Feel free to discuss any problems related to Cheating, Hackin or any other Abusive Behavior with .45|Alea.

hello Alea. I report abusive behaviour from your members. Its ok if you kick them from the clan thx

<00:07:32> You were banned for 1 second from the server by "[Todesgurke] Todesgurke" (MAY JESUS BE WITH YOU :*)
<00:08:35> You were banned for 10 seconds from the server by "[Chill] Chill" (does a god exist?)
<00:09:41> You were banned for 10 seconds from the server by "[Todesgurke] Todesgurke" (I LOVE YOU :*)
<00:11:03> You were banned for 10 minutes from the server by "[Chill] Chill" (not too scared)

I think they have much hate against muslim like the clan BoB. And todes might be gay also.

I also report Baruch. he ban people killing too good like me because imtop he cry.

Last edited Sun Apr 20, 2014 12:18 am | Scroll up


RE: 45 Blacklist by .45|Alea

in Post all the fake wool here! (Screens, Demos, Suspicions) Sun Apr 20, 2014 12:22 am
by Todesgurke | 1.295 Posts | 1294 Points


I like Separ's beer too
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RE: 45 Blacklist by .45|Alea

in Post all the fake wool here! (Screens, Demos, Suspicions) Sun Apr 20, 2014 12:35 am
by Deleted User

Nah no hate against muslims, we have 1 in our clan :)

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RE: 45 Blacklist by .45|Alea

in Post all the fake wool here! (Screens, Demos, Suspicions) Sun Apr 20, 2014 2:05 pm
by edward • 17 Posts | 17 Points

<14:02:54> You are banned permanently. Reason: "Allah go with you"

I see muslim hate!

Last edited Sun Apr 20, 2014 2:14 pm | Scroll up


RE: 45 Blacklist by .45|Alea

in Post all the fake wool here! (Screens, Demos, Suspicions) Sun Apr 20, 2014 2:40 pm
by miro | 2.782 Posts | 2783 Points

Maybe this Japanese Prayer can help you?!

Last edited Sun Apr 20, 2014 2:42 pm | Scroll up


RE: 45 Blacklist by .45|Alea

in Post all the fake wool here! (Screens, Demos, Suspicions) Sun Apr 20, 2014 5:03 pm
by Alireza | 418 Posts | 418 Points

I don't believe we have someone who hates Muslim here... if there is what am I doing here??

Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted.

Last edited Sun Apr 20, 2014 5:03 pm | Scroll up


RE: 45 Blacklist by .45|Alea

in Post all the fake wool here! (Screens, Demos, Suspicions) Sun Apr 20, 2014 5:32 pm
by miro | 2.782 Posts | 2783 Points

Nah Ed is trolling as always xD

Last edited Sun Apr 20, 2014 5:32 pm | Scroll up


RE: 45 Blacklist by .45|Alea

in Post all the fake wool here! (Screens, Demos, Suspicions) Thu Jul 10, 2014 3:38 am
by Mayhem • 6 Posts | 6 Points

//Name: .kOs|Madara
//Time (GMT -+0): 2014-06-27 00:44
//Server: .45 GEMA Server
//Reason: jump- or recoil-cheat of sorts, infinite ammo
//Evidence: http://ge.tt/2REJCTn1 = demo ~12 mr & screenshots
//Additional info: feel free to add full IP & correct name of cheats he used

It would be too tiresome to report all the cheaters I come across on the GEMA servers, but this happened on your server and the idiot in question spoiled the records listing with this! Thanks to WESEN who provided the demo!

Last edited Thu Jul 10, 2014 3:41 am | Scroll up


RE: 45 Blacklist by .45|Alea

in Post all the fake wool here! (Screens, Demos, Suspicions) Thu Jul 10, 2014 4:06 am
by Mayhem • 6 Posts | 6 Points

//Name: migalha(S)  aka  ~>MoG^Op7!Mu$
//Time (GMT -+0): 2014-07-08 15:58
//Server: .45 GEMA Server
//Reason: jump- or fly-cheat of sorts
//Evidence: http://ge.tt/9Iiz4in1 = demo ~5 mr & screenshots
//Additional info: feel free to add full IP & correct name of cheats he used

In this case, the cheat is even more troublesome as ~>MoG^Op7!Mu$ has admin privileges on your GEMA server! So much for setting an example as an admin !

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RE: 45 Blacklist by .45|Alea

in Post all the fake wool here! (Screens, Demos, Suspicions) Thu Jul 10, 2014 8:14 am
by miro | 2.782 Posts | 2783 Points

Ty Mayhem! We´ll check who abused/gave away his admin!

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RE: 45 Blacklist by .45|Alea

in Post all the fake wool here! (Screens, Demos, Suspicions) Thu Jul 10, 2014 5:16 pm
by Baruch | 647 Posts | 647 Points


It's no need to blacklist Optimus, since he has dynamic ip. I gave him admin some time ago, because he seems intelligent, speaks english enough, was helping with gema killers, and allowed me to communicate with brazilian community.
I had some doubts about him cheating, because of some records he made (anyone beating me is a cheater :p), but I had no proof. Thank you for your help Mayhem, I will remove his admin.

Haha I'm so funny.

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